In an interview to Reporters yesterday , "Chiyan" Vikram told that he was very much excited to star opposite Aishwarya Rai in Mani Ratnam's untitled next venture - which is supposedly a story based on the Ramayana - that will be shot simulataneously in Hindi and Tamil with an interesting twist !! In hindi - the lead pair will be Abhishek Bachan and Aishwarya Rai Bachan with Vikram playing a key role(mostly villain) , where as in Tamil , it will be Vikram playing Abhishek's role opposite Aishwarya , and the "Key role" played by Vikram in Hindi , will be played by anothre actor in Tamil !! Hufff , thats one heck of a load of work that can only be pulled by a versatile actor like him !! Also , Vikram refused to let anything out about the story of the movie !!
Labels: Kollywood
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