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After a huge gap of 2 "infamous" years , that the Queen of Pop would not like to remember of , Britney Spears is trying to put things back on track with her new album and also an open interview with the OK! magazine !! She has spoken a lot in the interview which fetched her Millions of dollars reportedly ! When asked if she wants her kids to be famous like her Britney says:

"I'd rather not, but I'd love them unconditionally if they wanted to. I'd just as soon they have a more normal childhood."
And she admits that she was shocked by her teen sister Jamie Lynn spears having a baby.“That was special, but it was also strange, because she's always been the baby, and now the baby was having a baby. It was mind-boggling. I was shocked a little bit." Anyway Brit , We are all hopin to her your album soon and also see the Old Britney back !!


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